
TeAcHeR cLuB

About me: Hi everyone! my name is Anthony Peter Azzopardi and I am a Certified TEFL teacher from LTTC London. I teach both Greek and English in various platforms such as LiveXP, Preply, solo tutoring on Zoom etc... I have been teaching for more than ten years now to all levels and ages to students in many countries such China , Peru to name a few and this gave me the chance to understand the challenges that every person faces from different backgrounds in learning a language, let us take the journey of learning Greek or English together as i come from a multilingual background myself as my Father was British and my Mother was of Swedish - German decent but i was born on the beautiful island of Cyprus which in itself is a multicultural country.
Method of teaching: I focus more on the personality of the student rather than his or her level and that is why i teach only 1:1 sessions as i think a classroom with more than one participants will compromise the special attention that the student needs in order to improve the goals of each learner. I do begin with a very basic foundation of grammar as it is necessary and unrealistic to expect that the complete absence of it will be possible. Grammar as a starter will help to form the structure with which we shall move on into conversational learning and from there and on the sky is the limit.

Feel free to click on the links below for further reference.

My YouTube channel

My LinkedIn page

liveXP platform


Contact number +35797852946

Skype name: tony pavlou

About me